Thursday 22 March 2012

The Black Stone

unfortunately, alot of stories have arisen amongst the 'None-Muslim' groups regarding the Black Stone.
first of all, i am going to have to explain what the plack stone is.
the Black stone. is a small stone that is dark in colour and can be found on one of the corners of the Kaaba. the Black stone has been used as a structural corner stone. during the pilgrimage to hajj, many muslim worshipers try to kiss the black stone because it has been reported that the prophet Muhammed did this when he went on hajj.

now the most common story that i have heard regarding the black stone goes as follows:
"the pegan Muhammed saw this Meteorite fall from the sky and decided to worship it"

now this is TOTALY false!
the black stone is a stone that has been built into the Kabah. now the Kabah was actualy built by Abraham long befor the time of Muhammad. so to say that he had seen it fall from the sky is TOTAL rubish.