Saturday, 18 December 2010

Who is Allah?

The word Allah is a word that many of us (including Muslims) have never actually thought about where it comes from and what it means. And if we were asked this question, we would automatically say god. and that is the end of that.

But does Allah actually mean god?

The answer to that my dear readers is No. Allah is the name of the God.

lets start of with the dictionary definition of the word god:

  1. an image of a deity; an idol.
  2. any deified person or object.
  3. one of several deities, esp. a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.
now if you go to an Arabic dictionary and look for these things, you will find that the word they are under will be 'ilah'
Muslim use this word on a daily basis in the sentence 'La ilaha il allah'  which literally translates to; No god except Allah.

the word Allah originates from the word 'ilah'.
this word 'ilah' is just like any other Arabic word and can be made plural, masculine and feminine.
i.e the plural for the word 'ilah' is 'aliha' (gods). you can also change the word 'ilah' (god) to make goddess. but this word 'Allah' according the Arabic grammar, can not be a plural nor can it be given a gender.
in the English language, there is only one word for god and that is god. it doesn't mater which god you are talking about, it is still the same word. but when you are talking about the god of Abraham, Moses, David, or Jesus that is seen as the most supreme, you still only have the one world so what do you do? the answer is that you capitalise the 'g' and that way you get 'God'.

if you get a copy of the bible in Arabic, (which is possible because there are some Arab Christians) on the first page (Genesis 1) in English we know it says 'in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...' now in the Arabic bible, does it say 'ilah' or 'Allah' ?
the answer is 'Allah'.

so to conclude, Allah is the most perfect and unchangeable version of 'ilah' (god). so this name Allah is not just the name used for the God of the Muslims, it is also the God of the Christians and the Jews. if a christian or a Jew, says that Allah is not their God, you have to wonder, 'then who is your God?' for all monothiestic religions worship the same God.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Al-Aqsa Mosque

Situated on the Temple Mount in the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque is the second most holiest site in Islam. Before being instructed by God to face the Kab'ah in Mecca, the holy prophet used to face towards Al-Aqsa Mosque when praying. In his dream, the holy prophet was transported to this specific mosque and lead all the other prophets that were sent by God before him in prayer. Every Muslim knows how significant this site is yet it is very very very shocking that most of them don't actually know what Al-Aqsa Mosque actually looks like!

in almost every muslim house hold or business, you will find this image in a frame hanging on one of the walls. however, this building is NOT! Al-Aqsa Mosque. it is a different mosque called 'Al-Sakhrah Mosque' more widely known as 'The Dome of the Rock'

This is Al-Aqsa Mosque:

This is a very big and worldwide misconception among the muslim community that needs to be sorted out quick which is why i am writing this blog. 

The image below shows how Al-Aqsa Mosque is just behind and hidden by The Dome of the Rock. 

why is it that when ever we are shown an image of Jeruselem in the media, we are always shown it from the perfect angle that obstructs the view of the real Al-Aqsa Mosque?
could it be that thew want the muslim people to believe that the dome of the rock is Al-Aqsa Mosque? if this holy site was to be destroyed, what we would see on our television screens would be a perfectly fine and undamaged Dome of the rock  and we would be fine believing that Al-Aqsa Mosque is fine. 

one of the conditions needed in order for the Antichrist (djaal) to return is that his temple (Temple of Soloman) would be rebuilt. however, this is not possible if Al-Aqsa Mosque is still standing because it was built on exactly the same spot as the Temple of Solomon was. 

Friday, 3 December 2010

Does God Exist?

Note: "Proving" whether or not God actually exists is really not our biggest purpose.
We are more interested in providing clear statements based on facts and logic and then allow the individual decide for themselves who they would like to believe.
There have always been people who believed in the existence of God and there have always been those who have denied in His existence. We must realize there are those who will never believe no matter how much proof or evidence we produce.
The reason is some people don't want to believe in a Creator or Sustainer. They would not like to consider one day they will have to answer for their actions and for their refusal to acknowledge their Benefactor to whom they owe their very existence.
We come to know it is not so much a matter of us trying to convey our beliefs as it is for them to set aside preconceived prejudices against proper belief. Meaning: this is really a matter of guidance from Above. If they refuse even with evident proofs in front of them, this is not between us and them; it is between them and their Creator.
Again, it is not our job to "prove" anything to anyone. We only need to present the facts in truth and allow the listener to make up their own mind.

We just begin with simple logic. When something is right in front of our eyes it is difficult to deny it, right? Asking rhetorical questions can be very helpful in presenting our case. Begin by asking the question; "Can you prove you exist?" Yes, of course you can. You merely use your senses to determine what you can see, hear, feel, smell, taste and you have emotions as well. All of this is a part of your existence. But this is not how we perceive God in Islam. We can look to the things He has created and the way He cares for things and sustains us, to know there is no doubt of His existence.

One approach is to suggest simple yet convincing experiments anyone could comprehend. For instance, say to someone, "Consider this the next time you are looking up at the moon or the stars on a clear night; could you drop a drinking glass on the sidewalk and expect it would hit the ground and on impact it would not shatter, but it would divide up into little small drinking glasses, with iced tea in them? Of course not."

Another example is have them consider what might happen if a tornado came through a junkyard and tore through the old cars; would it leave behind a nice new Mercedes with the engine running and no parts left around? Naturally not.

Or ask someone to consider what it would be like if someone told us about a fast food restaurant operating itself without any people there? The food just cooks itself, files from the kitchen to the table and then when we are done, the dishes jump back the kitchen to wash themselves. This is too crazy for anyone to even think about.

After reflecting on all of the above, how could we look to the universe above us through a telescope or observe the cells in a microscope and then think all of this came about as a result of a "big bang" or some "accident"?

Thursday, 2 December 2010

What Is A Muslim?

the other day, i was asked what my religion was. when i replied by saying "Islam" the person nearly had a heart attack. i then said "I am a muslim" then this person calmed down a bit. then the person said "I thought you said Islam then" and laughed. i too laughed but not for the same reason. i laughed because i was amazed at how little this person knew about islam.

so what is the difference between a Muslim and an Islamist?

well first of all i must start by saying that there is no such thing as an Islamist and that Islam is not just a religion, it is a complete way of life that tells you exactly how to live the life that god has blessed you with. How many other religions do you know that tell you exactly how to get dressed and even how to clean up after your self after visiting the lavatory? (by the way, the holy prophet said to use no less that three Peebles which translated into modern times would be no less that three wipes with toilet paper) LOL!!!

any way, the Arabic language is a little bit different to the way you write things in english. in English if you want to say that some one is 'doing' something, you would add the letters 'er' to the end of the word. for example; Bake - Baker, Jump - Jumper, Sing - Singer.
in the Arabic Language, you add the letter 'Mu' to the start of the word. for example, the person who does the Adhan (call to prayer) is a Muadhan, and like wise, person who does Islam is a Muislam.
this word Muislam slowly got changed into Muslim due to different pronunciations.

so to conclude, there is NO difference between a Muslim and Islam and a Muslim is very simply a person who does (practices) Islam.

Why this Blog is here....

i am very surprised as to how little people actually know about Islam yet they insist on making their assumptions based on what they are fed through the media.
This blog is here to clear up some misconceptions that people have and to also share some very interesting facts and information that i happen to stumble across on a weekly if not daily basis. 
if you have any questions please do feel free to ask and i will try and answer to the best of my ability. 